

What does it mean - PERFECTION?
Can it ever be reached?
Can it ever be achieved?
Is it a fantasy we seek?
Or a reality we see?
Is perfection worth fighting for?
Is perfection worth dying for?
In the end is it real or  is it a dream?
Or do we just long for a reason for being?

In your opinion: What is freedom?

I really would be glad about some answers. :)




Listening to this song. 

Trying to get better.

Looking forward to the weekend.

Really trying to change.

Somehow don't WANT to change.

Actually want to live. 

Otherwise don't want to get... more!

Divided into two parts.

Totally confused and overstrained.


Mitch Baker.

He has the look of an ways more than handsome and breathtaking model.
He has amazing eyes and is with Major Models in NY.
He is 1,88m and already walked some shows in New York.
So we really hope to see more of this cute New Face.


You cannot NOT like Caroline.

You don't need the "special look" to see that this girl is ways more that just a normal girl.
Caroline Corinth with that amazing body (177cm, 84-58-88) is with Mega Model Agency in Hamburg and has tons of potential. I am really looking forward to see more of these beautiful eyes, that full lips and the strong face-expressions.

Kim with the amazing look.

I'm definitely in love with this girl. You just have to take a look at her amazing face to know, that you can not overlook this stunner.
Kim Feenstra (180 cm, 85-67-91) is with MD Management in Hamburg and is one of my favorite faces in the moment. She has definitely the look and I really hope to see a lot of her in the next time.